Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Writer's Workshop 12-2-09

Writer's Workshop 12-2-09
The prompts for today were...
If money were no option... what would the holidays look like for me...
What good read am I snuggling up with these days...

If money were no object... I would fly all my family, from Italy, New York, Canada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and other places to one central location for the holidays... all of us... probably about 600 people in all.

I would rent an entire hotel in Rome or Venice Italy, and have all our meals catered so we can just enjoy and interact, love and talk, and just "be".

Everyone would go home with $10,000 cash for the Holidays and each child under 18 would have their college tuition paid for...

I would love to have that much money...


What am I reading?

Just finished Kate Jacobs "Knit Two" her sequel to "The Friday Night Knitting Club" and am now on to Grishams "The Associate".

Oh, and I read "Julie and Julia"... no I haven't seen the movie yet... dang it.


  1. Wondering if I should read Julie & Julia or see the movie first!!?? How was the book??

  2. That would be one heck of a trip! :)

  3. LOVE your blog...Just visiting from MAma KAT.

    I DOUBLE LUV your header and all the faces....And the fact that U are KEWL I am gonna follow you just fer that...
    No I'm not italian or anything...I wish....

    You know MAma KAT you must be KEWL...You know Supah? She is cool too. Go watch her SKYPE session---she mentioned Mama KAT in it...

  4. Ooh, I want to see that movie :) looks great! Didn't know it was a book, have to read it. And the knitting books sound awesome! I'll have to write them down and hunt them up. I'm just starting to learn how to knit.

  5. I think our holidays would look similar, though I'd pick Brasil and we have a lot fewer family members, lol.

  6. I read Julie and Julia AND My Life in France (Julia Child's book) before seeing the movie.

    I liked Julia Child's book better...she was a large broad who lived large.

  7. Can I be an honorary relative? Sounds good.

  8. I am reading Knit Two right now!!! I read Friday Night Knitting Club so long ago, that I am having a hard time remembering all I need for this book, though!

  9. I'm going to Bombay today, so the idea of "if money was no option" expands enORMOUSly :)))

  10. That would be some party. And I would hope for an adoption into the clan...


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