Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Here's what's been up!!!

Oy Vay!!!!!

You know what?  I get paid to work 8 hours a week, and I am at "work" about 50 hours... AND I LOVE IT!

I have had sooooo many opportunities for additional income in the past two weeks, it makes me giddy!!!

But enough about work.

I wanna talk about... oh... I don't know... something else... like... OOhhh...I got a new couch and ottoman!!!

Okay... done talking about THAT!...

Now what...

Oh, our 18th Anniversary was on October 17.  It was a fun day.  We went couch shopping, out to lunch, grocery shopping, and came home to a lovely surprise dinner made by our boys... we didn't have the heart to tell them we were stuffed from our late lunch... so we offered to help them eat it all up later that evening.  It was delish!!!

I cook all day, every day... so my life is kinda in a little box these days.  I'm not complaining... it's just different.

I'd LOOOOOVE TO write about the students... BUT I WOULDN'T DARE!!!... Maybe someday when I'm old and gray... (I know, I know... that's NOW!)

Going to Hawaii soon... so there's that!!!


  1. Happy belated anniversary! So nice of your boys to do that. Awesome that you love your job so much. When you really love what you're doing, it's not work. I think it's so wonderful that you found a job that you are passionate about.

  2. I've so missed your posts! Im happy you've found a job that you dig so much, happy late anniversary!

  3. oh bugger for some reason my comment didn't stick :(

    well I am glad you are having a nice time at your job!! very few people enjoy what they do anymore you are so very blessed!!

    congrats on the new couch! I jsut got a cute sectional recently to :)

    happy belated anniversary! did you know your anniversary is on the anniversary of the 1989 earthquake that stopped the world series in the bay area?? just a new wrinkle in your brain in case you didn't know!


  4. ...HAWAII?! Oh, I'm jealous!

    Happy Belated Anniversary!


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