Sunday, August 22, 2010

OMG... I start teaching tomorrow morning!!!

Tomorrow is the big day.  It's been 16 years since I have had a "BOSS".  Normally, everytime I looked into the mirror, I saw my boss, and really like her.

Now, I answer to a Department Head and a Superintendent.

My classroom is done, my syllabus is written and turned into my dept. head, and now all I have to do, is pick out my clothes for tomorrow, find some sensible shoes, and breathe in and out, and try not to get nervous.

I mean, what the heck am I so nervous about?  I've taught thousands of people to cook over the past 16 years... this is no different, right???  Then why are there a flock of butterflies swirling around my stomach???

There's so much hype coming from the staff, and the teachers about the class, that I feel like I have to live up to the hype. I know what I know.  I'm not a fancy cook.  I cook with simple ingredients and clean flavors.  I don't do foams and I only bake bread... not sweets... I hope they are okay with that...

  My hope and wish is to completely take over the school lunch program at the school, so the kids will be eating good, healthy, freshly prepared food.  I'd need to hire a big staff, but it's completely doable... so we will see what the future holds. It a very small school, only about 500 students total.

I cooked for the football team all week long, and the teachers and staff came in to sample the leftovers and were just so complimentary and so grateful for fresh food.    We made, Chicken Parmigiana, Pasta and meatballs, BBQ Beef sandwiches, Taco's and BBQ chicken.  I get to repeat them all again for team meals on Thursday night all season long.

Oy Vay...I HAVE A JOB!!!!!
When did that happen????

Wish me luck!!!


  1. Best of luck Saundra !!
    I have been off the blog scene all summer
    and feel totally out of the loop...but yeah you!! ((BIG HUGS))

  2. good luck! I'm sure you will be great and let me know if you figure out a way to take over the federally funded lunch program. It was hard enough for me to get salad added as an option.

  3. They will love you!!!!!!
    Go girl go........

    Best Wishes...

  4. You are already two days into teaching! I'm sure you are doing great. I'll be thinking of you this week, and I'll be checking back later for an update on how it all went!

  5. It sounds like the perfect job for you. I'm sure you'll be GREAT!

  6. Hi Saudra, just got on your blog while surfing with no destination and i am sooooooooooo happy i found you! that's a great blog, i am reading and reading and i am sooo inspired from your words. By the way, i'm Italian like you and moved in the States only last year!!! i have so many questions where you could help me, but i am willing to read more and then ask you for some help/comments. so..i'll stay in touch.


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