Wednesday, September 1, 2010

William is TOPS in my book...

I have to brag.

I know it will prove to be something extremely strange to brag about... but I am just flabbergasted that the event I am going to write about happened tonight...

My two oldest sons got home from school and football practice tonight about 8 p.m..   My Middle son Alex pulled a muscle in his back and wanted me to go to the drugstore to buy him some Icy/Hot... but...
my ankles are sooo swollen from the heat and my monthly visit from Aunt Flo... that I just couldn't bring myself to to get dressed to go out into in a store...

William says... Mom, if you let me drive, I'll go in the store for you, and you can just sit shotgun...

I start to decide whether I can do it, and I remember that I am out of "products" for Aunt Flo's visit...

I say... "Oh honey, you don't have to do that, I need my "products" and I can't ask you to do that for me."


"Mom, you're not feeling well... I'll go get Alex's Icy/Hot AND I'll pick up your "products" for you"

Did you read that clearly??? MY 16 YEAR OLD SON OFFERED TO BUY MY STUFF FOR ME...
Do you know how long it took my HUSBAND to agree to get those things after we were married?????


I said... "What? You'd do THAT?"
And he said... "Yeah Mom, if you need them, and you aren't feeling well, I'll do it for you."

I almost fell over from shock.  What a DOLL!!!


HE DID!!!!

He totally walked into that CVS and got the stuff, and came back to the car with absolutely no embarrassment...

He is gonna make an AWESOME hubby someday...

I am soooo blessed...



  1. This story reminds me of a comedian I saw once who did a bit about this. He said he never minds walking through the store and to the checkout with feminine products "cuz it says to the rest of the world -That's right, I GOT a WOMAN!" I know that's not the case with your son, but I've always thought that was such a funny thing for a man to say!

  2. Impressive. Making our products a non-issue is the only way to go. Good for you and him. He will make a great spouse someday.

  3. Hi!! Your blog is awesome! I'm following & I added you to my blogroll list. Feel free to follow me if you like. This post is great, that is really sweet of him.

  4. You are definitely doing something right! Have you written that book yet?


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