Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Night Football

Friday Night Football is back!!
Just like when I was in Drillteam!
Only now I'm the MAMA!
William started tonight and the team
WON 42-0!!!!
It was beautiful!
William sacked the QB in the first 2 minutes!
He was so fired up!
He got to wear his spirit shirt to school today, and he got his number "68".
It was all very exciting!
He texted me during his bus trip to the game, he was really ready to hit someone and not get into trouble for it.
We celebrated with a dinner out.
It was a great way to spend a beautiful, cool evening out.
Before all that... Mama and I catered the Fohi Football team again.
This time it was Lasagna... miles and miles of lasagna.
I now officially hate lasagna.
We made 12 trays of it.
22 loaves of garlic bread, and 12 pounds of salad.
I'm pooped.
We won't be having pasta for a very, very long time in this house.
So tomorrow its Soccer, and the Varsity Football Game, and my best friend Mari's 40th Birthday Party! Next week I take her and our friends to Vegas for the weekend!
I have some fun surprises planned.
I can't wait to take pictures and post them!
Whoever said "What happens in Vegas... stays in Vegas" wasn't talking to me or my camera!
Sunday, I have a show.
This weekend is full. Yeah!
Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Busy lady! Alex reffed our game today since there was no show. He and another child did a fantastic job. Even when the other coach went a little bullistic (not at the refs, but because we argued a goal on a kickoff). Because she freaked, our coached said, just take the goal then. Alex knew it wasn't a goal too. But the refs and our coaches walked away from the confrontation like gentlemen.


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