Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Angies Wordful Wed

Johnny and his Snack Mobile... he sells out of this to our bleacher customers.
It works well! He even makes tips!
Ugh... my home away from home... where Snack Bar Stories was born.
Where Snack Bar Stories will go to die. No... those legs do not belong to me... sadly... that is one of my awesome teen workers. I am soooo over being Snack Bar Czar... everyone can't work their day... and the only replacement is me... it seems. Not happy. Not happy at all.


  1. You have really made a difference in that snack bar. I love the fresh fruit and bbq'ed hamburgers on the weekends so nice. Snack bar workers never get the credit they deserve so I am telling you that you are doing a great job.

  2. There are few things crazier than running a concession stand. I feel your pain! LOL!

  3. Thanks for the little slice of your life!

    Just think of all the posts you've gotten out of running the snack stand! That's worth something right?

    Happy WW!

  4. WOW! The Snack Shack looks so good in it's debut photo op! :)

  5. If it makes you feel any better,
    we have all been very entertained by your
    Snack Bar CZAR stories.;-)

  6. I hated doing snack bar duty. I fel your pain...

  7. Boo on them for messing up your snack bar kingdom. Don't they know who they're messing with?!

  8. The snack bar looks clean, efficient and lovely. But what in the world is that kid selling snacks from? It looks like a port-a-potty. Just sayin'.

  9. Love to see where the craziness occurs!!!

  10. Have you been forced to step down? I will miss the tales of woe.

  11. well i have not even been around that long and i love your snack bar stories!

  12. Hey, it looks like a GREAT snack bar! Very clean!

  13. What a lovely family of men you have there! We're in the same boat - all sons!

  14. You make the best snack bar Czar ever! ;)

  15. I have to say I've seen some errr, unclean, snack bar situations, yours looks great.
    Ha on the legs, jog......:-)~Mary

  16. Yes we love your snack bar stories so thank you. Nice to read Letta's comments too- you must be making a real difference! The food industry in any of its forms is the hardest job in the world I think. Keep thinking of the positive differences you are making!! Great photos of Johnny and Miss Legs.

  17. Because I'm new to your blog, I don't know much about the snack bar but it sounds like a great place. I'm glad you have found someone to help you with the load! This brings me back to days when I helped in the snack booths for sporting events. It wasn't always what it was cracked up to I give you props!

  18. All I can say is that I am glad my girls don't play softball. :) Love that they can go portable to the bleachers.


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