Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Writers Workshop

Who really helped you get over something... write about that person...
is the prompt I have chosen for MamaKat's writers workshop.
THE person that helps me get over things is, and always has been... my Mama.
She, above all other people, has this way of helping me see my situation (that, at the time, I think is dire and life threatening) as just a small bump in the road.
She has this infinite ability to break it all down into the such small components that all I want to do with the problem is flush it.
Since I was a little girl... whenever I told her about a problem, I felt instantly better after she
gave me either her advice or her sympathy.
I sure hope I am the say way with my boys.
I hope that after they talk to me... they feel calm, and better able to handle their situation.
My Mama cried with me, laughed with me, consoled me, held me, held me at arms distance when necessary, stuck up for me, told me to take responsibility for my actions, and
taught me how to stand up for myself.
She helps me to this day. Mostly... she helps give me perspective. For instance... when I am having a particularly challenging day with my boys, or with others, she always
helps me get perspective by saying something like...
"You know, Sandra (she doesn't like that I added a 'u' in my name when I was 21)
Pina would give her eye teeth to have your problems right now, her baby is in the hospital, and she would kill have the problem you are having."
Mama's are so good at the perspective thing. Don't you agree?
Or... she'll make a huge list of all the good that is going on and help me focus on those things instead of the one bad thing that is happening.
I always feel better after talking with her.
Her birthday is in 2 weeks.
I think I'll tell her all this in a letter.


  1. Awwww, that's the kind of mom I want to be too. I never had that, so it's especially important to me that my kids do!

  2. That's sweet. I have that relationship with my mom, too. I was always concerned about it rubbing off on my son, since we're clearly not a mother/daughter relationship. But, I figure if it's good Mom advice, then I bet it's even better Nana advice.

  3. Your mom must be amazing to have raised such a strong, outspoken woman such as yourself! She did a great job!

    You are lucky you have her...

  4. Love her!!
    That person for me is my mom as well...Although the roles are reversing as she is getting older, and has more health setbacks...I can't even think about losing her-I get emotional already!! Great moms make great moms-I can tell you are a good one...time to tell her thanks-and it sounds like you will be doing that. What better birthday gift?!

  5. *sigh* I hope my kids feel like that about me when they are grown ups!

  6. Awww...Love my mom like that as well. And I really hope that I can be all that and more for my boys too! So when I can't be....can I call you and you can fill in? lol

  7. Sounds like great Mamas run in your family. I'm sure she will love your letter.

  8. Thanks for stopping by my Blog and signing on as a Follower, which makes you one of my favorite people by default...I was just snooping through your photos and enjoying your Blog. Girl, you gotcha some "Hot" boys there. They are so cute!! I see visions of teenage girls trying to break into your house to get at your guys. Can you say, "Security System"?

  9. Sounds a lot like my Mom! Too bad I couldn't appreciate her more and realize everything she did until after I become a mother myself! Funny how that works! I just have to remember that they will realize how amazing I am when they are grown!! ha!


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