Monday, May 25, 2009

The Bachelorette... AKA Trainwreck TV!

Is it just me?... or Did Jilliam LEAN IN on every. single. guy tonight!!!
She kissed made out with, and LEANED IN on every guy she was alone with!
Wow wee!
Guess that hot tub scene last season with Jason the Jackass, was just the prelude to the season a la Jillian.
Foot Fetish Dude got a rose... really Jillian? Still not freaked out? Hmmm...
I. LOVE. JAKE. The pilot... 'let's go get some Belgian Waffles in BELGIUM... Jake."
Yeah, he's right up my alley.
Wes, country dude... so just trying to promote his music.
I liked David... at first.. he was all tongue tied... sweet... now he's this "man possessed" and little on the scary side. I like scary... but not THAT scary.
So glad she got rid of naked in the pool dude...
Seriously... he admitted ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.. that his getting naked may have been the catalyst for his going home... AND MENTIONED THAT HE WAS 'HUNG LIKE A LIGHT SWITCH!" yikes!!!! I don't know too many men that would/could/should admit something like that on TV or anywhere, for that matter!
Oh, and wait till Jillian sees the show when the Dance instructor from New York, admits that he
See the pretty camera???? SHUT UP IN FRONT OF IT! Your FAMILY is watching!!!
Juan, Juan, Juan. I was soo on his side last week. Now... he's a little to 'heart on his sleeve' for me. He need to butch it up a little. His Mama surely babied him. She needs to run away... fast.
I think Jillian should let the guys take the lead on the kiss dept. Call me old fashioned... but she needs to play it a little more demure.
Ugh... I HATE WHEN I SEE MY DREAM CARS and I'm not the one driving.
I like Mike, Jake, and Kiptyn so far for her...


  1. Funny, funny, funny and so true. I can't believe I'm even watching the darn thing but her we go again.

  2. LOL, Can't believe I missed it..will watch for re-runs..oops..I mean "marathons".
    Hope your weekend was wonderful.

  3. I totally agree with everything you said!!! Jake is by far my favorite right now!!! Wes, cant get a read on him... Juan is another one that I could swing either way on... & David... mmm, yeah - the man is going to blow a gasket! And what the heck is a "man code"???

  4. i sooo gave up on the whole shenanigans after like the first three seasons. but love your icon on top, it made me laugh! following you now, feel your pain in a houseful of five men!

  5. I refuse to watch any of these shows. It just proves love and romance is a joke these days.

  6. I bet you are going to get lots of blog fodder this season!

  7. I love to read your posts on this so I don't have to watch the show. You are so funny

  8. I've never watched that one, not big on reality type shows. The only one I watch is Groomer Has Is, of course I'd watch that one. (*wink*)


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