Thursday, May 28, 2009

Snack Bar Stories 8

The season is almost over...
boo freaking hoo.
Here are some things I am going to miss about the Snack Bar...
1. Seeing all the great people and their kids, with the little ball caps on, and the bats, and the Mom's wearing Jerseys, making all the Martha Stewart Bag snacks...
Some, and I do mean only some... of my fellow board members.
The teens I hired and have gotten to know and love...
Now.. for the flip side... here are some things I WILL NOT be missing...
1. Cheese that squirts out of a tube when a button is pushed...
2. Hot dogs.
3. People, mainly 2 people, telling me they want me to bring back the deep fryer, cuz they want their fried zucchini...ugh!!!
4. Smart N Final
5. Adults complaining and fighting that their little darling can't work the snack bar, like they did all those other years...
6. People asking me if I can break a $100, in the first five minutes I open... or EVER!
7. Being asked if I take credit cards... FOR NACHOS AND SODA! FOR REAL!
Oh the joys of running a Little League snack bar run far and wide...
You have to be juussst a little bit crazy to say yes to it.
I had big, huge, out of the box ideas I was going to impliment at the beginning of the season, and the wind sorta got knocked outta my sails when we found out we were losing 2 fields.
Maybe the next Snack Bar Czar will be able to do something fabulous.
I know people got a kick out of Johnny selling from a cart... it was fun putting that together.
If we had had three fields, I was going to have little stations set up at each field to sell necessities, and I even made aprons for the workers. But alas... it never came to be.
Oh, so many ideas were percolating in my head.
Only two more weeks, and I can hang up my apron and collect all the crap I brought from my personal kitchen into the place... I must have spent $100 of my own money on stuff for that thing, and brought over at least 20 items from my kitchen.
One man, Tuesday night, TOOK OUT HIS TEETH, to bite into a hot dog... right in front of my window...Why did he take his teeth out? I asked him, in between my nausea... and he said... his GUMS WERE ITCHY, and the hot dog would SCRATCH them!
Yeah... we get alllll kinds....
Stick a fork in me.. I'm done!


  1. Yowza! Stick a fork in you? Hilarious :))

    I'll miss the season too cos of the stories!

  2. Oh no he didn't!
    Dealing with the public makes me itchy!

  3. Ewwww... now I got that visual stuck in my head!

  4. I was all excited for you being done with it all and then gumby had an itch. EWWW!!!

  5. I am glad your almost done...for your sanity...but I love these stories. I will miss them. I wanna follow you around for a week. Just for some good laughs!

  6. EEEWWW! You should've have had a video camera set up at that little joint! I'm gonna miss the stories! Hope you don't have to see "Mr Itchy Gums" anywhere else. HA

  7. it's official....I'm never eating a hotdog again. Your season is over in 2 weeks! Wow...we play till the end of June

  8. um... sick. Itchy gums??? what exactly causes that? Nevermind, don't wanna know :-p

    I'll miss the stories and no one could ever run the snack shack better than you. They'll see.

  9. I think the teeth would send me packing for good...eww! I'm glad you're able to retire as 'Snack Bar Czar' but what will we do next year without our episodes?

  10. Bravo on making it through the season! Sounds like you have all sorts of stories to tell! :)

  11. I left you the Awe-Summm! award on my blog come on over!

  12. Where are you hanging? The OC? People asking to break a $100?!! Around here we get a few 20's in our pockets and we think we are living it up! JK... actually, it seems as though NO ONE uses cash anymore. It's all debit cards.

    I'm going to miss the crazy snack bar stories...

  13. Great post! I'm here getting caught up on my blog reading...finally. Happy Sunday!

  14. LOL! I love that you had to clarify that you will only miss some of your fellow board members. Boy do I know how that feels.

  15. Man what am I going to do without your snackbar stories!! I have to admit the cheese in the tube thing made me gag a little!!


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