Okay... I have proverbially 'heard it all" now.
On tonights news, on my Yahoo site, I clicked on a little ditty about
how a kid, and when I say kid, I really mean to say 'BRAT', had a tantrum and threw
his teddy bear over the railing beside a walking park in Glendale.
When the 'brat' (who is 10 years old, by the way) screamed that he wanted it back...
his Mama and Papa did not hesitate one second and went to get it for the little angel.
The little darling... sweet child that he is and has been raised to be, ran to call 911.
The parents were rescued after a helicopter came to pull them out of the 80 FOOT DITCH!
When the news media came by to interview the Dad,
he was saying...
"Well, my son threw his bear over the railing... what could I do, he wanted it back, and he knows how to push my buttons, so I went to get it, and my wife too."
(insert sound of record needle scratching an album, here)
Out for a lovely moonlit walk with the family...
One of the kids starts to act up, and throws his toy over the railing alongside an
80 foot drop, in a hissy fit. (Heck even if it WASN'T an 80 foot drop, and just over a railing... it would go down like this)
Then demands it back...
Kid: "I waaannntt my tttooooyyyy bbbaaaccckkkk... nnnnooooowwww!"
Me: "Yeah? Aww.. that's too bad...You don't throw a fit and expect me to cater to your every whim..."
Kid: "Iiii wwaaannntt iitttttt! Mama, pppllleaaasseee!"
Me: "Uh no.. and it can stay there...and the next time you decide to act like an entitled spoiled brat... think about that toy, and how it was gone forever, buddy. WE are going home now."
Kid: " I want it... I want it... I want it...!"
Me: "Gee what a gorgeous night... too bad we can't finish our walk, and have to go home."
No way in HELL, are my kids gonna be able to talk to me like that or whine like they are entitled. At 10 years old... if one of my kids EVER acted like that and did something like that...
if they EVER threw something in anger out of the car, over a railing, in the trash, ANYWHERE!!!
I would NEVER go out of my way to retrieve it.
Getting it back just gives that kid NOTHING BUT POWER!
I don't understand why parents feel like they can/have to be treated like that by their kids!
What kind of adults do they want to raise?
Adults who were taught to respect and look up to those older than them?
Or adults who know to manipulate and whine for everything with an air of supreme entitlement?
I know... to many of you... I am the meanest Mother ever!
Ask me if I care!
I'm old school.
I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when I follow through on something like,
not getting the bear/toy out for them, IT WILL BE THE LAST TIME THEY DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!
Ask me how I KNOW!
Yep, each of my kids tried that EXACTLY one time.
Each time... I wouldn't budge...
They know not to pull that crap, if they want to prove something.
I am not a trained seal... I am a Mother.
It's my job to do the hard stuff. It's my job to be my boys' Mom, NOT their friend.
I will never be my boy's friend... I will ALWAYS be their Mama.
My kids get sooooo worked up and MAD when they watch SuperNanny or Nanny 911.
They tell me what I would do before the Nanny get's there, and then she does the same thing.
They think those kids are the most rotten kids ever...
and I tell my boys... it's not the kid's fault... it's all the parent's fault.. they made them like that by giving in to their every whim, spoiling them rotten, not giving rewards, just giving, not praising good behavior, giving them everything just because.
I take no credit... I give my parents all the credit.
They showed me how to be a parent... not a pushover.
Oh! at the end of the newscast... a neighbor lady came by with a brand new Teddy Bear...
and the newslady said...
"So it's a happy ending... happy child, happy parents... the original bear couldn't be retrieved, so a nice neighbor bought the child (brat from hell) a new bear."
To my ears... Here's what I heard "Great job little man... next time you throw a tantrum... you will be rewarded.. and who care's that your parents ALMOST DIED trying to get your stupid bear back... what matters is that YOU are happy!"
I am very, very afraid for our future with parents like this.
I hope my boys don't marry a woman that was raised like that.
I just asked my kids.. now 14, 12 and 9 what I would have done in this situation,
they laughed and said these exact words...
"Oh man... Mom... you would have NEVER done that... neither would Dad..."
I asked them why...
They just said...
"Cuz that kid was a total brat, and no way would you ever do that for us if we
threw a tantrum..."
They they said...
"Did someone actually go get the stupid bear?"
then I told them the story... and they said they wouldn't have gotten it for their kids either..
Ahhh... I'm gonna have good grandbabies!!!
In the future.... waaayy in the future!!!
Like after college and PHD future!
Whew... had to put that out there!