Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Market Night

So here are the pictures from last night...
I can't use my new fantastic camera, because we can't find all the bells and whistles to transfer the pictures to my computer... so I had to use my oldie, but goodie.
I hope they came out okay.
The trees looked really great in person. I had bling on each branch.
Not one person bought one single thing... FROM ANYONE!
Why attend a Market Night and not spend money!
I don't understand.
There also wasn't very much traffic... we had some BIG soccer games going in town... and everyone seemed to be there.
Bill tied his last game, and came in second overall. I'm kinda bummed about it.
If they had lost... we would be done with the season, and we wouldn't have to take a weekend to travel to Temecula for a tournament.
Yeah, yeah.. I know... baaaaad Mama!
See, I told you I wasn't competitive!
It's just all about me, me, me!
Sir Pukes a lot were over it by evening, and even ate Pizza after the games.
Go figure.
I had fun last night chatting with the passersby that did attend, and at the very last second...
booked a show for Dec! So all wasn't lost.
The scarves that don't sell in the next month will be used a Christmas gifts for friends and family!
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. 93 during the day, and 75-80 at night.
We have the worlds most perfect weather... I just hate that people start fires when it's like this... and we never get rain.
I have the house all to myself today. So nice!
Yesterday, my mojo was all messed up having someone home!
So now I have to clean up the mess I made packing for last night.
What fun I create for myself!


  1. I am sorry you didnt sell anything, what a bummer. I am like you, not competitive at all! I would much rather have fun elsewhere!

  2. Wow, I can't believe that no one had a sale!! The tree looked cool with your scarves!

  3. What a bummer that you didn't get to sell anything! The tree looked awesome! I definitely would have bought something! :)

  4. I like the scarf trees and the scarves are beautiful. You have great taste... but of course you knew that ;-) I hope you have better luck in Dec with your goods. Maybe people will be ready to buy then.

  5. That is a great way to show them off! There were a lot of people at the park, but I still am surprised no one was shopping.

  6. I love it!!! Pretty scarves!!! And the tree is a fabulous idea!!!

    You go girl!

  7. Everything looked so great. I am sorry you didn't sell anything. This economy is terrible.


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