Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I miss Alex!

Alex called again today. He said he thought the letters were really funny and he was glad they weren't all mushy, because it would have made him miss home.
Mission accomplished.
I just know... one of these days... he is going to get me back BIG TIME! I know my kid, and I won't know when, I won't know how, but he is going to pay me back good!
I can't WAIT!!!
One day, when I have another case of writer's block, I'll tell you the stories of the past couple of Christmases and what we did to our poor boys as practical jokes.
I hope Oprah or Dr. Phil are still in production when these three boys are older so they have a forum to tell the world what kind of parents they had to put up with as kids. Bill and I thought we were hilarious, and so did the boys after they figured out what we were up to.
WE thought it was hilarious, them... not so much.
I miss him! My family isn't whole right now. I can't wait until Friday.
When he calls, the very first thing he says, out loud, kinda screaming is...
Then he says... Hi, Mooooomm!
Then I can breathe.
My father in law came by tonight to take Bill and the 2 other boys to dinner, and when they came back, all we could talk about was Alex.
We all seem to be in a little funk. It just isn't the same around here.
What am I gonna do when they move out.. Jeez, I am not ready.
I need to buy a street full of empty houses, so we can all stay together.
Okay, the last letter is tomorrow, Fridays letter, and then he comes home!!!
Have a great night, stay outta trouble, and sleep well.

Letter 4 to Alex

This is tomorrows letter. He said he is reading them, and not just taking the cash out of them and running. Hmmmmm. We'll see.
May 1, 2008
Aloha Alex!!! Well. We are almost packed. Good thing too! Someone came over yesterday and offered us 1 million dollars for our little house and a BRAND NEW CORVETTE for each person living in the house this week!!! So now there are 4 brand new CORVETTES in our driveway, right now!!! It is soooo sad you decided to take the Hume Lake trip again. Imagine… your dream car, FREE!!! We got to pick the colors too! Mine is purple… of course. The guy bought the house because he found out through the grapevine that JACK AND DAISY, THE AMAZING, SENSATIONAL RATDOGS EXTRAORDINAIRE used to live here, and they are going to make it a National Monument to them. Cool huh??? He thought there were 5 people living in our house… but we assured him there were only 4. Not 5… just 4 this week.
But, that’s okay Alex… you really wanted to be in Hume Lake. We understand.
We know it’s worth it for you… We sure do like amusement parks though… Oh well. It’s okay… I guess. At least you are having the time of your life.
That’s what’s really important here. Have a great time. Really, have one. A great one.
Don’t even think about us, all the way over here. Bye. Call me so I can give you our new address in Hawaii. Mom

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jack got Loose!

Alex called! Alex called!
He sounded happy, he couldn't wait to get off the phone.
Now I'm really gonna sell his bed, and his trophies, oooh and his clothes!!
I was sooo afraid today... Jack got out because a stupid meter reader didn't latch our gate. I was so afraid that one of our dogs were really missing. I was afraid life was imitating art!
But... alas... I found him. He was tired and thirsty, but he wasn't too far from home. He's only got one eye, so he was easy to spot.
So... we just arrived home after an emergency board meeting for baseball, and I am ready for bed.
The next letter I wrote to Alex will be posted in the morning.
Thanks for reading me everyone!
I so appreciate it!

Letter Number 3 to Alex

Dearest Alex… Wed. 4/30/08 Since last night was Dad’s last night coaching before we move… I thought you would love to hear how your team did!!! THEY ALL HIT HOMERUNS!!! EVERYONE!!! EVEN JACK CAME BACK!!! HE RAN WITH CRUTCHES!!! IT WAS AMAZING AND A MIRACLE!!! Dad was so happy. The score was 96- 7. Guinness book of World records came by and took their picture. I know how you love that book, so when you see it, you will be able to remember your awesome time in Hume Lake. OH!!! We don’t have to fly to Hawaii, Dad decided we would go by Cruise ship… so we leave on Friday… Oh darn… we hoped we would at least be able to see you get off the bus before handing you over to Nana and wonderful Robert. Oh well… maybe in a few years you can come visit us for a couple of days!!! We all decided to change our names to Hawaiian names, so Daddy is now Don Ho, I am Leilani, Johnny is Johnny Tsunami, and William is now Williewilliewiki. I saw a picture of our new house, and a the ocean is only 10 feet away. Just what you always dreamed… too bad you went to Hume Lake… I sure hope you are having an incredible time. Aloha sweetheart!!! Call me!!!

Hello Hume Lake people!

Hey! I've noticed that some people from Hume Lake are reading my blog!
I think it's great... I hope you like it!!!
If you see my kid... tell him to call me!
I'm goin' nuts!
Oh! How about petitioning for some Cell Phone towers up there!!! :)
I can't believe there are still places that don't get cell phone reception!
Stick it on the top of a mountain, it'll be closer to the Satellite that way!!! :)
Please keep all the kids safe and have a wonderful time!
My kid LOVES it up there!!!
P.S. Are you guys the actual counselors?
Let me know! Hit the comment button and talk to me...
By the way... Your web cams aren't working. Yesterday it was the same picture as today. hmmmmm.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Tagged by an Angel

I was tagged by a lovely friend, and great writer, Angel.
I need to write a six word memoir.
There were other rules, but I don't know how to do all that stuff, so I am sticking with the memoir.
It sounds really egocentric of me... but it is truthful nonetheless...
My 6 word Memoir is
"Applause in Stadium... all for me."
Thanks Angel, I hope it isn't another month before you write in your blog.
You have a gift... use it!
Hey! Another 6 word memoir!
Ciao Bella


Well... I didn't hear from Alex tonight. I spoke with him 3 times today on his cell phone before they got into the mountains. So maybe he figured since we spoke today, he didn't need to call.
I don't know... I think I'll sell his bed. That'll show him. :)
Hello my Love…
Tues. April 29, 2008 I sure hope you are having a wonderful time. We sure do miss you around here… Well, we took the dogs to the park for a little walk, and all the kids got scared of them and started swatting them with baseball bats. Now they both have only one eye. Poor Daisy. Everyone kept screaming ‘RAT… RAT…RAT!!!” It was like they had never seen a bald dog before!!! We felt sorry for the dogs, so we gave them away to the circus. They are having a lovely time. They get to act out an adaptation of “Ratatouille” on the road. They play rats… of course. The new owner assured us he will send pictures. Oh! Dad quit your baseball team. He said “If Alex doesn’t care about his team and runs off to play all week in Hume lake and has a great time and a great vacation with all his friends and favorite teacher… then I get to have fun too… I QUIT!” We are moving to Hawaii. We will leave you our address at the school. Nana will be picking you up, and you have to live with her and Robert! Won’t that be fun??? Still hoping you are having a great time!!! Remember to call me! I have to go pack now. Hawaii awaits!!! Love… Mom, Dad, Will and Johnny

Letters to Alex...Day one

Every year, when the kids go away on some trip for school, I love to write them letters, with some money in them. I like the kids to laugh while away from home. William didn't take my letters as well as Alex does, so I am posting them each day. Below... day one's letter. Dear Alex… Monday, April 28, 2008 Well, well, well… so nice of you to leave us to have such a fabulous time in Hume Lake. Here is what happened today, the day you left on your vacation away from us, your loving family, you remember us, the ones who clothe you, feed you, love you unconditionally…yeah, us… The dogs had to get shaved because they were infested with giant cockroaches. They both look like oversized rats. Daisy is NOT happy. They are so bald they got sunburned. So sad… And there you are… all the way in Hume Lake, having the time of your life. It’s okay… we understand… we love you anyway… Have a lovely time, Alex… don’t worry about us or your dogs… You just have a great time and continue being carefree and away from home. Don’t forget to call me… Call my cell phone… I have to keep putting cream on your bald dogs, so I am not near the house phone. Love you very much. Mama, Dad, Will and Johnny Shaver… just in case you forgot us already.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Alex is leaving... :(

Just finished a show... and now comes the ominous task of packing Alex up for his week long trip to Hume Lake with his class.
It is an Outdoor Education/Science trip that 4th and 5th graders go on. He went last year too.
I was a total wreck. Basket case... brooding/worrying/carrying on mess.
I felt like a piece of me was missing for an entire week, and I get to feel that way again this year.
Soo looking forward to it.
Hume Lake is really far, like... six hours by bus! Why couldn't they go to... say... Lake Arrowhead Christian Conference center and do an education thingamabobber. It's only an hour away!!! I can see the mountain from my front yard!!! I would feel closer!!!
He is so excited he can't see straight. Me? Not so much.
I know he is going to have a great time, I know he is going to be safe. I just want my babies with me, where I can watch them, and keep them safe, under MY supervision.
Is that too much for an overprotective Mama to ask? huh? is it? huh?
Yeah, I guess it is.
He had SUCH a blast last year. He has been counting down the hours until he leaves.
I am going to write him a letter for each day he is going to be gone and put them in his suitcase.
Last year... it was so funny, I wrote letters saying, in each one, what fabulous things we were doing in his absence, ending with a letter stating that we moved and I was sure the new family at our former home would be very hospitable toward his homecoming.
He loved them. He said he was glad they weren't all mushy, so he wouldn't miss home so much. I know he wasn't homesick one second. So, this year, being the Mama I am, I am going to write totally sappy, long, drawn out, tear stained letters... each one stating how much my heart bleeds for his return. I know I'll get a laughing phone call saying... "Mom, you are just kidding... right?"
Depending on my mood, and how quickly he calls me to tell me he's arrived safely, I will decide whether to tell him I am serious or not.
So, this week, please excuse me if you read a little... oh, I don't know... a little... melancholy, or worry in my posts. I'll be fine on Friday, when he returns.
Have a wonderful rest of the evening...
P.S. Edit... I decided I can't write sappy stuff. So the letters were humorous again... Sue me. ;)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dinner last night!

Last night was sooo much fun!!!
My cousin ended she and her hubby's whirlwind 12 day vacation to California by spending dinner with us last night.
We dined al fresco out on the patio, the weather was perfect.
I forgot to take pictures of the food I prepared, but it was good.
I made a quick batch of cream puffs, and it was a good end to the meal with a steaming cup of coffee.
The boys told jokes, kind of a floor show, they lit a bonfire in the pit, it was just an easy, light, wonderful evening!
We hadn't seen eachother in about 10 years, and it was like the time just melted away.
The boys did all the dishes after the meal, and they behaved, so I was happy.
Well, gotta go get some laundry done and get ready for a show tomorrow afternoon...
Ciao and have a great Saturday!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Black Belts

Bill, Alex and Johnny got their Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do! Will got his last year.
It was such a beautiful ceremony!
My Mama and I catered it with Pasta, meatballs, and garlic bread and her famous cinnamon crumble cake.
Now we wait for their certificates, their embroidered Black Belts and all that good stuff to come from Korea.
I have video and pictures, but just haven't downloaded them yet...
Alex and Johhny had to do flying side kicks as one of their tests. They spared the poor soul that got Bill as their subject from his doing any flying. He would have knocked them into the next county. My Hercules.
You know... a long time ago, when you got your black belt, you had to be legally registered as a leathal weapon. Nowadays, they just do a lot of training to help the students know that they have a responsibility to use their skills for the greater good and only when absolutely necessary. There are skills learned that can REALLY harm someone. So at our Dojo, emphasis on respect and necessity is key.
Tae Kwon Do is often prescribed by pediatricians to increase a students performance in school, for focus, increased coordination, concentration etc...
Since the men started 3 years ago, Alex's reading has really increased, flexibilty is unreal now, and their stamina is doubled. I'm sold.
Martial Arts, in any form, I believe, is nothing but beneficial to the whole person.
Our dojo does a lot of work with children in wheelchairs. They take them out of it, lay them on the ground, and do lots of stretching and strength training exercises with the student.
Then the student is placed back in the wheelchair, and they participate in all the hand motions if they are able. It is truly beautiful to watch.
It is an individual sport with team atmosphere. We love our Master Kit, his instructors and his Dojo.
He is the current highest ranking non oriental in the United States. Only Koreans can reach 10th degree, and Master Kit is 8th degree.
He is kind, masterful, genuine, funny and quite a salesman.
You can walk into that Dojo feeling badly, and walk out feeling like a million bucks. They just have that way about them.
Congratulations Shaver Men...
You were always Black Belts, Level 10 in my book, and now you have a belt to prove it.
Love you all

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Take me out to the ball game

I have another bone to pick… I know, I know, this is turning into a blog of rants and raves… but I like posing questions on parenting and such. If we can all learn from each other… what’s the harm… If you have an opposing view… please let me know… I enjoy friendly debate, and welcome it. This particular bone is on team sports. My kids play all kinds of sports. To play these sports, my kids MUST maintain a 3.0 or better on their report cards, or we don’t sign them up.
Yeah, Yeah, harsh, I know… but I am the Mama, and it’s my way in THIS house, or it’s the highway.
Also, there are repercussions if they slack off mid season, or are disrespectful, or don’t do their homework, etc…BUT!!!! AND THIS IS A BIG BUT!!! (not mine, the sentences) I refuse to punish said child from playing the sports if it is a team sport…why?
Because it affects the entire team, not just the child being punished. There are many other ways I can punish the child during a season… such as, not taking him to the team party, asking the Coach to give him extra laps or fetching balls,
or making him clean up after the team leaves the dugout…!
There are so many ways of getting our points across if we just use our imaginations! I applaud the parents that require their children do, finish, turn in homework, get good grades, help around the house etc… YAHOOO! What I want parents to understand is that using a team sport as punishment is not a prudent way to punish, because it hurts more than just the child. It hurts the coaches, players, other parents, and potentially the other teams ability to play, because if we don’t have enough players to play a game, they lose out too! It is really difficult being a coach/team parent. Right Angela? It requires a lot of time, patience, and there is a sense of responsibility with those positions. Everyone looks to the team mom for information, pictures, phone calls, schedules, etc…
It’s a thankless job. Same goes for the coaches, they get yelled at, talked to, talked about, reamed, or otherwise, because Johnny Angel isn’t getting enough play time, or “why does that kid get to play, and he never comes to practice” or “I would do it this way… he doesn’t know what he is doing out there”. I get it. I have been one of those parents on more than one occasion myself. You wanna know what I was told??? If you have such an opinion... coach... otherwise, take a seat. Touche'. Here’s my point. It makes it infinitely more difficult when parents don’t bring their children to practice or games because Johnny Angel didn’t do his chores. A lot of shifting and moving has to take place. Another one of my pet peeves is when parents allow their kids to play or do extreme sports while playing a team sport. Give me a break! Did Johnny Angel really HAVE to hang glide during baseball/soccer/tennis season? Was it a moral necessity for Johnny Angel to go toe to toe with a Sumo Wrestler NOW??? Couldn’t he wait 3 measly months? I don’t even let my kids swim on game day, so they aren’t all tired out. I wonder what goes through their heads… “Gee, look how adorable Johnny Angel is in that parachute… What fun! Coach said at the beginning of the season not to do this stuff… pretty please… but look how much fun he is having!!! Nothing is going to… oh, wow, that looked like a nasty spill… get up Angel… get up… oh… he’s crying… what are they screaming for??? AMBULANCE??? He’s fine… he’ll get up and walk in no time… STRETCHER???” So they call some random coach and tell the biggest lie imaginable… “Johnny Angel was walking down the street and POOF! A piece of a 747 fell right on his adorable little head… he will be out for the rest of the season, sorry Coach” Oy Vay! My unsolicited advice to parents thinking of putting their children in organized team sports…
Make sure you are willing to do the time, put in the effort into getting your kids to practice, and putting extreme sports on the back burner for a couple of months. Forethought… just a little forethought is all it takes. I’m done… feel free to comment. Ciao!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday VIIII

I can't stand seeing the price of gas... can you tell?

This says it all!

Don't you just love Wordless Wed?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Start your own blog!!!

I love this blog thing.
Having kept a journal all my life, I feel like this is the single best way to keep track of day to day things in this day and age., and since I learned that I can have it printed and bound
in book form anytime I want, it's even better!
I know that sometimes, there will be some posts I will be more proud of than others, but it's honest nonetheless.
I know I have ranted and raved, ruffled a few feathers, and made people feel better and bragged on my babies. I look forward to reading this in the years to come and reminisce about something I would have forgotten otherwise.
What I am getting at is this...
If you haven't already started your own blog... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!
It really only takes up minutes of your day at a time. It is time all to yourself, and it will be a great read for your family and friends someday!
It doesn't have to be a long, drawn out "talky" blog like mine... on the contrary! I know people see the length of my posts and just say "Yeesh, that's too much!" and don't read it all (Bill).
I have NEVER been a short and sweet type of girl.
Even if you start a blog to just jot down the things your kids say everyday, it would be a great blog!
Or just a day to day schedule, even if you don't open it up for the world to see, you can keep it to just those you invite to read it, and no one else will get to read it.
I wish, so much, I would have started this thing years ago.
Each year, on the kids' birthdays, I write them a letter, and put it away in a file for them, and we crawl on my bed on the evening of their birthday, and I read them the previous years letters. They LOVE hearing about themselves, how much more do they love this??? SSSSOOOO MUCH MORE!!!
They ask everyday what I wrote about them today. The funny thing is, I have actually overheard them whisper to each other... "NO, don't do that, or she will post it on her blog!" Even Bill has curbed the ammunition he gives me! It's hilarious!
Hmmmm. Blog as behavior modification. I like it!!!
Start one now!!!
It's FREE, it's easy, and it's worth it!
Love to all

Monday, April 21, 2008

Read to the tune of Home, Home on the Range
Home... Home... from the game.... Where we lost....and the kids they did play!
Where seldom is heard, a discouraging word,
and the coach get's mad because we lost.
Yep, we lost. So what.
We won last week and I forgot to post it. So what. I am soooooo tired... can you tell?
Tonight was my night for the Snack Bar. So what.
Just Kidding!
I had a bunch of really great workers in there tonight! Tina, your daughter is a dynamo!
Three of my boys (Bill, Alex and Johnny) are getting their black belts in Tae Kwon Do this Thursday night! My mom and I are going to cater it. Pasta, sauce, meatballs and garlic bread.
Three long years of hard work, going to class sometimes 4 times a week!
Now they will forever be black belts.
so what...
I am wiped.
I'm gonna go to bed now.
C u later
William already has his, he is working on his second degree.


I could have slept all day today.
Waking up this morning was difficult. It was an emotional week last week. It is so difficult to watch your friend suffer with the loss of a parent. She was such a Daddy's girl too.
It makes me mad... World War II war criminals live to be 100 and good men like Butch die at 69. It doesn't make sense.
Lots of undone things have started to pile up on me. I didn't do any prep yesterday... so I have to catch up today. I have 5 boxes of Pampered Chef sitting in my living room, waiting to be separated, I have to work the snack bar tonight at the baseball park, and my pool hasn't been getting clean because our filter needs to be replaced.
Yeah!!! Happy Monday!!!
There are some good things happening this week. I have 2 cousins from Pennsylvania coming to visit for a couple of days on their West Coast Birthday trip. I haven't seen her since we went to Toronto for a wedding few years back.
I got the ball rolling on all of William's recommendations and references today at his present school. It was soooo nice to hear how disappointed they were that he was leaving. I told them not to worry. They were gonna keep 2 Shavers for a couple more years. They were wonderful to be so kind.
So... that's it for now. I have to go prepare for dinners this week. You know how busy life is.
Sometimes I wish we lived a much simpler life... but then I realize it is a choice, and then I stop wishing, and try to put some simplicity into action.
Okay... more later...
Ciao Bellas!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Stupid parents

You know... I got up this morning and set about deleting a bunch of programs on my DVR that I know I won't watch, and some of them are Oprah's shows. After all, I am the master of my idiot box, it is not the master of me... capisco?
BUT, once again, there was a title that intrigued me. It was the one about "What can you live without" or something of that nature. People... I think Oprah reads my blog! Okay, no I really don't think that... but we seem to be on the same wave length. That kinda scares me. I am not into deifying celebrities, and following everything they say and do, BUT in this case, she aired her show AFTER I posted myo opinions.
The whole show was an experiment of two families that cut back on food waste, TV time, shopping, giving in to kids whims, and energy conservation. I don't know about you... but I remember my posts just last week about how parents aren't doing their jobs as parents and are "yes" people to their kids.
On my other blog, a few weeks ago, I challenged myself and everyone else to eat out of their pantries for as long as possible, and to realize how much food we really do have at our disposal at any given time. Well, the families on the show had COMPLETELY overfilled refrigerators and they still went shopping to get more stuff. Every night, one mother made FIVE DIFFERENT MEALS, one for each family member.
Again I say... some parents need to slapped! Are they kidding? When and where does it say that we as Mama's need to become short order cooks and dumb ourselves down when it come to running our households??? When did common sense leave?
Here is my philosophy...
Cook what you want your family to eat, if they don't want it... fine, they can go hungry... when they get hungry enough they will eat what you put in front of them! IT IS SIMPLE!
Of course, we all want to make meals that are liked and taste good, but if a kid gets used to processed foods, and eating whatever he/she wants for each meal, with no respect for the food the Mama made for them, they are not being parented correctly. Yep, I said it... I was just a wee bit judgmental there. THERE ARE A LOT OF STUPID PARENTS OUT THERE, AND THEY ARE PUTTING THEMSELVES ON TELEVISION!
I was floored.
I would NEVER want to go on TV looking like a complete fool for "Not realizing I was allowing my 5 year old son to play video games for 5 hours a day." If my kids sit ANYWHERE for 5 hours, I haven't done my job. Period.
One of the Dad's was complaining, as he was walking up to the Best Buy store, that his daughter purposely broke her bedroom TV, so he would HAVE to buy her a new plasma flat screen.
Really? Was he at gun point? Why was he giving in? I don't remember seeing him being dragged into the store... he was the one doing the driving! It baffled me that he thought it was annoying, but he took no steps to stop it. He just schlepped over to the store and gave his little darling whatever she wanted. OMG!!! Lets reward our kids for destroying hard earned property!!!
If I were Oprah, I would have hit each one of them on the forehead and said "SNAP OUT OF IT!" Mom couldn't go to sleep without the TV on! Come on!!!
Are we, as a society, THAT stupid? Do we need that many pacifiers?
I am just beside myself. I don't get it. What do my kids have to look forward to as potential mates down the line? The products of these stupid parents? How sad!
The really sad part was the experiment was only 1 WEEK! They were going bonkers for only one week away from creature comforts.
I know I harp on this a lot. I have a teen now, and all my hard work is starting to show up in him, he is turning into someone I can really talk to, and like, and just be around. That comes from saying no, and exposing him to lots of different things, and choosing who he hangs out with wisely, and not letting him veg out in front of a stupid game. It's not always fun to be the hag that limits everything, but I have always told my kids
"I'm NOT here for a popularity contest, I don't CARE if you like me, I am your Mama, and I know what's best for you. When you are 25 and buying your own toilet paper, you can go on Oprah and tell her what a terrible Mama I was. I am not perfect, never have been, never will be. This is my first go around as a Mama, I'm gonna make mistakes... but one thing I will never do is give up on you."
It takes work, and lazy parents don't make good kids. That woman admitted she was using the boob tube as a sitter. Yuck!
Okay... I'll stop for now. This feels good to let loose. It pains me to see people so ignorant, and laughing at themselves like its cute to be so dumb.
Have a great Saturday Night!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Frenzy

What a day... What a day!
I cooked all morning for one of my best friends Father's funeral. It was lovely.
SO very different from an Italian Funeral.
The sons made me cry... they were so eloquent in their speeches, but I really cried when Mari spoke. I didn't know her Daddy, but I sure know her.
My Dad picked the kids up from school for me. When I got to his house... he was in bed. I think they pooped him out. It was funny. He had a hip replacement a few months ago, and he looked adorable walking out of his room. He spiked his white hair,and on his ankles, in true Italian fashion, he was wearing gold anklets on each ankle. So surfer dude!
Being at the funeral of a friends dad made me squeeze my Papa just a bit tighter tonight.
Last year, tomorrow, was a year that we were at Bill's grandmother's funeral.
I think next year I will skip these dates and just sleep.
Last night, I had a fun show, and Bill and William went to William's prospective new High School for a "look around" night. Bill came home SOLD!!! I was sooo excited. When I saw all the curriculum offered, I was absolutely FLOORED! It is going to be worth every single penny.
It is far and beyond anything I ever imagined. Truly. It is one stellar program.
I just pray William gets in. We have about 17 different things we have to do before we interview. He has to be tested and he has to write an essay, and we need 2 teacher recommendations, a pastoral recommendation, a administrators recommendation, and we have to write about our son too! It's like getting into Harvard Law!
But... we will persevere and we will do it, and happily. Really, you should see this curriculum. So awesome!
So, I am done for the day.
I am going to focus on the tasks at hand and let everything else handle itself.
Have a great rest of the evening!
Buona Sera!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A woman should have...

she can imagine
going back to..
and one who reminds
her how far she has come...
enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own
even if she never wants to or needs to...
something perfect to wear if the employer
or man of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...
a youth she's content to leave behind...
a past juicy enough that
she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age...
a set of screwdrivers,
cordless drill, and a black lace bra...
one friend who always makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
a good piece of furniture
not previously owned by anyone else in her family..
eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems,
and a recipe for a meal
that will make her guests feel honored..
a feeling of control over her destiny...
how to fall in love without losing herself...
how to quit a job,
break up with a lover,
and confront a friend
without ruining the friendship...
and how to change a tire...
when to try harder... and when to walk away...
that she can't change the length of her calves,
the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
that her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over...
what she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
how to live alone... even if she doesn't like it...
whom she can trust,
whom she can't,
and why she shouldn't take it personally...
where to go...
be it to her best friend's kitchen table..
or a charming inn in the woods...
when her soul needs soothing...
what she can and can't
accomplish in a day..
a month...and a year...
Anonymous author
There's a lot to know. There's a lot to do. Do it because you are a woman of substance and think for yourself. Love you, always, then you can love others fully.
Enjoy today!

More pictures of my men... deal with it. hee hee

My Manchild, at a basketball game. Running the show of course...

I allow them a few "crazy" shots so they will cooperate. It doesn't work. I have more of these shots on my camera than anything else.

Johnny finally caught a good wave.


Wordless Wednesday VIII

How I feel today!

How many arms I wish I had sometimes!

Something my husband would totally write on a car. I know, I know, step back ladies... he's all mine!

If tomatoes were Italian... THIS is what it would look like.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I found something today that I have never seen before. It was horrifying. Truly horrifying… In almost 40 years… I had yet to find this something anywhere near me. I was doing my hair today, and noticed it and almost screamed. It was sooo scary! I don’t know how it got here… I don’t know how to get rid of it. It was dark, crinkly, half moon shaped, and it just. would. not. go. away! I rubbed, and pulled, and tapped, and squinted, and nothing would work to get it gone!!! Wanna know what it was??? What I thought was leftover mascara from my shower, was actually Dark, wrinkly, circles under my eyes!!!
Cue “Psycho” music now. Today was the first day I have ever needed to take out my “under eye concealer” and used it… I mean really used it. Now its just one more thing I get to add to my list of imperfections… extra weight, cellulite, gray hair, sagging “girls”, stretch marks and now this! Under eye circles and crowsfeet! Come on!!! We should start out 120 years old and go backwards. We should get younger and younger. I actually don’t mind getting older. I feel wiser, more able to handle things that come my way, happier, less intimidated by anything, less interested in what other people think of me or my ways… I just felt really stupid scrubbing and scrubbing under my eye for minutes before I realized I just am not getting enough sleep! So much for wiser!
So now I have to learn to embrace these circles and spin them positively. Hmmmm. How am I gonna do that? OH!!! I can go play football now and not have to put that black stuff under my eyes! If I had a job, I could go into work like this… sniff a couple of times, and my boss would totally send me home! I’ll have an excuse to wear sunglasses indoors! Unfortunately, people will assume I had been hit, but my answer to that would be directions to that person’s funeral.
So there… A negative into a positive. Thank GOD for Philosophy’s “Hope in a tube” under eye stuff. I bought it only because it was included with another product of theirs I love. It was there for a reason…huh? Have a wonderful day, and love what you see in the mirror… you only have today, so love yourself today!
Thank you Allen the IT guy!
I thought my little computer was a goner... I was sooo sad for all my pictures and my Pampered Chef stuff... but it is ALL here!!!
All day and night... I have been longing to log on and check on things, and service to my clients that call every day, and I couldn't.
So! I got my nails done, and treated myself to a pedicure, went shopping at Ross, Big Lots, and Beverly Crafts, and took myself to lunch!!!
That's what I do when I am down or worried... I shop. Bad habit... I know.
Retail therapy. Detrimental.
Stupid girl.
My hubby drove all the way back to work in Irvine tonight just to get my computer for me.
What a sweet guy.
I feel whole again! How dumb huh? IT'S A COMPUTER!!!
Oh well... it's back... it's back... it's back...!
New post coming soon!

Monday, April 14, 2008

My computer may have died...

AAHHHH! My computer took a dump! Bill is going to take it to his IT guy tomorrow. I am on his computer right now...
I don't know how long it will be before I get to blog on my own computer... but I will try and get on Bill's.
Don't leave me... hang on! I am gonna be jonesing!
I don't want to have to buy a new computer... but will if I have to.
It just won't open up my programs for me! It was fine today!
I just wanted to let ya know!
Check back often to see if I'm back!
Ciao for now

Monday... Monday...

Could not get out of bed this morning!
Slept in until 6:30.
Got my kidlets off to school...
and got a phone call that made me very sad.
My friend Mari's Dad passed away on Saturday night.
Yes, Andrea, that Mari. We both know her.
He has been fighting Leukemia for about 6 months now, and slipped into a coma last week.
If you are a praying person, please keep her family in your prayers.
They are a very close, tight knit family, and she adored her Daddy so.
It kind of puts things into perspective for me. I will be calling my own Daddy today... just to see how he is. I haven't been able to see him as often as I'd like because of the sports schedule... but will certainly make more time. I just want to give him a big squeeze and tell him how much I love him today.
Bill said he was going to call his own Dad too. We just saw him Wednesday, and already it seems like too long.
I think maybe families should live on the same street. I know, it would be hard at times, but so convenient! Don't you think?
"Mom! I wanna run away! I don't like living here anymore" Johnny when he was 4 yrs old
"Okay, Grandma is waiting... go! Here's your suitcase, darling!" If she lived down the street.
Well. I'm gonna end now. It just doesn't seem appropriate to me all jovial today.
I'll post later...
Have a wonderful day all, and
Call your parents and tell 'em you love 'em.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Movie Night!

We went to the Drive In tonight!
I love the Drive In.
We got Little Caesars $5 pizzas, I made my special sweet n salty popcorn, and Taffy Apple Salad.
We saw Nim's Island and Superhero.
Superhero is NOT for kids, Nim's is cute.
Thank God Johnny had to go to the bathroom all the time during Superhero.
Got the back patio all clean and useable, and Bill put the Gazebo cover back on.
We were supposed to have the pool re done this year... but we need other things more pressing first. Like a new bed (ours is 15 years old) and a new driveway and side yard poured.
So Tempurpedic and Robertson's Ready Mix, here I come!
My crazy kids went in the pool today. It. was. freezing. They didn't care... but didn't stay in but 10 minutes.
I won't be officially opening the pool until May. Little repairs need to be done, and a thorough cleaning.
I tease my hubby all the time that if he doesn't keep the pool up, I will start "auditioning" pool men to come over. I'll make a rule that he is gorgeous and must clean with his shirt off. Ha ha! I WILL be charging admission on pool cleaning day, and you must be a woman to come over. hee hee.
So what does he do? He starts cleaning the pool, with his shirt off. Cute. Whatev!
Gotta go... it's late, and I have to finish all my afghans I am making for my kids teachers!
Have a great night/day!
Buona Notte!

Our celebration.

Last night was yummy!
We went to Raxx in Riverside for our celebration dinner.
We very rarely order dessert when we go out to eat, but the boys asked and since their grades were stellar again this quarter... I obliged.
I thought they were ordering off the kids dessert menu, but NNNOOOOO!
Our server brought the most HUMONGOUS peach cobbler to the table, not one... but TWO!
Alex and I made the mistake of ordering "dirt n worms", we asked for the kid cup, and she brought out two troughs of pudding with oreos and worms. It was yummy, but too much.
One dessert would have been plenty for all five of us. But our server was so proud that we were celebrating good grades, she brought out the works. She was so sweet.
We go to that restaurant because of the AWESOME wait staff. There is a waiter there named Mike that is just phenomenal! I mean really ridiculously fantabulous.
He remembered us from our last time there, and that was back in January for semester grades!!! He even asked Alex how his soccer team did at school!
If you love good BBQ, go to Raxx.
Today, I'm cleaning out my back patio and getting it ready for spring. We LOVE to eat dinner outside all spring and summer long, and right now, the patio looks like trailer trash live here!
I have a show tomorrow, so I also have to get my house and kitchen ready.
I am going to do it in quadrants, to ease the burden, AND delegate lots of it to my slaves, I mean kids.
Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 11, 2008

What FUN these parent/teacher conferences were!!!!
It was so nice to hear what wonderful children I have... of course... I don't get to see these great kids, but it's nice someone gets to!
After the initial..."Well, He has straight A's, he's a great student and kid..." we spent the rest of the time just chatting and laughing and talking about our lives and our parenting styles..
Don't throw up... I know I sound like one of those Mama's whose kids are perfect and everything is wonderful... COME ON!!! YOU KNOW ME BETTER THAN THAT!
It is just a good day... yeah!
Now... how do I get my 14 year old to stop brooding. I've had about 3 months of it... and from other Mama's I've heard it lasts for about 6 years... and that just will NOT do. I can take about one more week, and then I'm done!
He is just gonna have to snap out of it!
Life is too short!
I have to say though.. this morning, he was getting out of the car for school, he walked a few steps, stopped, turned around, came back to the car, opened the door, crawled over the passenger seat, and planted a big kiss on my cheek and told me he loved me.
I asked him what that was for... and he just said he felt like he needed to do that.
Whatever the reason... I'll take it, any day of the week.
When I told him he got straight A's again, he perked up.
So maybe he's just concentrating a lot, and working hard, and maybe I'm just being over sensitive.
We are off to have a celebration dinner OUT! OUT!!! We never eat OUT!
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day to be neighbors... won't you be mine... could you be mine...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Parent Teacher Conferences tomorrow!

I don't know why I get sooo nervous before Parent/Teacher Conferences... but I DO!!!
I've already gone to school... why am I nervous!
The last P/T/C I had, my fuel filter gave out on the freeway on the way to the school, so today, during carpool, the teachers made a big joke of running around my car making sure everything was in place. Hardy... har... har.
It was sweet.
We actually have a ball during the conference, but I still get nervous.
Wish me luck, better yet... wish my kids luck... if they don't get stellar reviews, they have to sleep outside with the dogs! ha ha! j/k
They might actually enjoy that... I'd better think of something awful... OH!
Cleaning out the fridge and vacuuming under all the couches...
Oh! Here hoping for bad reviews... that stuff needs to be done! ha! j/k again.
Guess what my hubby reminded me of today! Today, April 10, was the day we met 17 years ago! He told me he knew we would be married that night, and he went home to call his Dad and tell him so.
I went home and told my Mama the same thing. I said "Mama, he will be my very last boyfriend ever." A year and a half later... we were married.
Happy Anniversary to me!
Ciao Bellas!

Shout out!

The person from KFS inc, in Grapevine Texas... who are you?
Thank you for reading me... I am curious as to who you are?? Do I know you??

Thursday 13... V

This is the short list and in no particular order. I really enjoy the Bible too, but I consider that an instructional book, more than a novel.
I tag everyone that reads this.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I'm almost there... almost 40, almost fabulous...

How about that?

How I feel... PMS!!!

Too wordy?

My Dear, sweet, adorable, genius, handsome hubby
just told me my posts are too long and too wordy.
Ding - a - ling.
I love to write!!! Sorry if they are too long.
I at least hope the content keeps you interested!!!
Now I'm all self conscious!
Thank God tomorrow is Wordless Wed!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Venting... part deux...

So more slapping for ignorant parents is necessary.
It's true what they say... you need a license for drive a car and catch a fish, but anyone can be parents.
When, in my Generation, the "Yuppie" generation, did it become okay for parents to give their kids ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING THE KID WANTS AND TEN TIMES MORE...?
How many gaming systems, hand held devices, VCR's, Ipods, designer clothes, designer purses, $500 shoes does a child really need?
I don't know about them... but I had a pretty good life without all that stuff. I keep hearing..." I want to give my children everything I never had"
Did you not have a roof over your head, meals, clothes, entertainment, bikes, doughboy pools etc???
MY parents begged every single day for a loaf of bread in Italy. My Dad wore the same pair of shoes for 3 years and put cardboard in them to make them wear longer.
My mom slept with 6 siblings in a single mattress on the concrete floor until she was 9 years old.
My Mom never sat in a car until she came to America.
My Dad had to make a soccer ball out of trash and tape.
THEY gave us more than they had... what they had was NOTHING!
Growing up... some people in my family circle called me the Italian Princess. What they didn't know was I worked for everything I received. I had to get great grades. I had to stay away from drugs, alcohol, promiscuity, and be respectful to everyone. (I had chosen good people as friends, Andrea, to be exact. We shared the same life and values)
Growing up I had cassettes, walkmans, skates, Clothestime or Contempo clothes, Maybelline makeup etc... Not exactly a poor life, not rich by any means... but I had enough... not in excess.
NOW, girls in their teens have purses 5 times more expensive than mine...
2 or 3 Ipods, in different colors, Manolo Blahnik shoes, Fendi watches etc, they HAVE to have MAC makeup...
Just because I can afford all that crap for my kids doesn't mean I have to BUY it!!!
Holy crap!
Don't get all bent... I know lots of kids have lots of nice things... fine... they are probably great kids too... I'm talkiing about the kids that are rewarded for mediocrity.
I like getting my kids things... but for reasons.
As rewards, not just because they are on the planet...
Why does a child that quits school have an 80 gig Ipod, a Fendi watch, 7 skateboards and Hollister clothing?
I wish parents would reward their children for being good and staying good.
Praise is a great motivator.
Praise has a great price tag... and last forever in memories.
I remember lots of times my Mama was proud of me for something significant, but don't remember at all what I was purchased for my Sweet 16 birthday party.
(okay, I do, I got a car...but I wasn't allowed to just go anywhere I wanted, when I wanted. and it was a Chevette for God's sake, not the midnight blue 1966 Mustang convertible I thought I was entitled to.)
My kids will never have the best money can buy while they are living under my roof,
unless it is life essential.
Otherwise, they will recieve what is appropriate and timely. If I start giving them all I CAN afford, I believe it will set them up for failure down the road. When a child has sooo much handed to them, they are rudely awakened to find out, when they move out on their own, that those wonderful things cost hard earned money. When they have to start out and manage money, and save up for things, it will be an easier transition if it starts in my house first.
I choose to give my kids the gift of "no", and "not now" and the gift of a work ethic. Two things I believe will serve them very well in the future.
Things come and go... but a healthy respect for an "honest days wages for an honest days work" is going to make great men of them one day.
What more can I ask for than my men to be great men, one day.
It starts here... now... it's hard, it's time consuming, and I have repeat myself over, and over and over again a million times... but I know... down the line... it will be time well spent.
I want my boys to be a legacy of truth, honor, love, hope and honesty.
Won't that be a great gift one day?
Bravo to all you parents that THINK, and LOVE, and don't always say yes.
Bravo to all you parents that go to your kids school, ask them questions, and help with homework.
Bravo to all you parents that want to know all the kids your kids hang out with.
Bravo to all parents that shelter your kids just a little bit more than others.
Naivety is NOT such a bad thing as a child.
Build your girls up, love them where they are at, let tell them they can do and be anything they want, and makeup, fake boobs and high heels aren't the way to get them.
Help them to see the lovely woman within them, just as they are.
Help your boys see themselves as partners and protectors of good things.
Help them to see women as a vessel to be lifted up and praised.
Teach them that NO, means just that... NO!
Teach them objectifying women is not a trait worthy of a good man.
I love all you good Mama's and Papa's.
Let's be a light to those with dim bulbs.

Soapbox, venting, whatever... I have a bone to pick...

Parents need to slap themselves across the face, and get with the program!!!
The program is Parenthood.
I mean being TRUE parents... not their kids friends! Their friends??? Maybe someday... like when the child has children and I can be the doting Nana... but now... in the formative years???
All that I have to say about this subject... cannot be contained in one blog post... so I will try my hardest to be brief, brief for me, anyway.
I couldn't sleep this morning at about 4 a.m. (hubby snoring) so I went out to the couch to crochet myself to sleep, but you need light to crochet, so I turned on the idiot box (TV) and there was a bunch of Oprah's on my DVR. I LOVE JAMIE LEE CURTIS! So I chose that one.
She said EVERYTHING I BELIEVE. It was like she crept into my brain, looked around and spoke my thoughts to millions of people.
The basic gist of what she said was...
We need to take responsibility as parents to TEACH our children how to be good, upstanding, productive members of society that value manners, respect, forethought and the ability to critically think independently. Those are my words, but that is what I got out of her shpeel.
The more I am seeing teenagers these days, the more afraid I become for them. Not all... of course.
I know for a fact, that the people I have chosen as friends have the same, if not better, values, hopes, dreams and the need for the importants things to be instilled into their children as I do.
But as William and Alex has become more active in ASB at school, and we are doing activities more on field trips that involve other schools, private or otherwise, I am naturally around more teens and preteens.
The language, the lack of respect toward their parents, the talking back, the saying just a flat out "NO" when their parents ask them to do something, is astonishing!!!
It takes everything in my power not to clench my fist and hit the...PARENT! and tell him/her/them to SNAP OUT OF IT!
Are they kidding me?
You know... I have to tell you... one of my FAVORITE e mails of all time is the one where a child is holding a sign saying "I chose to steal and I am following in my Daddy's footsteps and will someday be in a penitentiary if I don't stop." He was standing on the side of the road, and Grandma was sitting directly beside him in a chair making sure he did it. I AM ONE OF THOSE KINDS OF MAMA!
I couldn't believe the flack that wonderful woman got for disciplining her grandson. She was all over the news, reporters to putting her down for going 'overboard" with her methods. I say
YOU GO GIRL! If my family had a problem with stealing, or many members of my family were in jail, or if the generation before me didn't take the time to parent members of their families, what recourse would I have?
Being embarrassed is a HUGE motivator. Fear is also a healthy motivator.
I have told my children many times that if they ever got a pink slip sent home for an infraction that involved blatant disrespect for anyone in power at school, within reason of course (of course they can be awful to someone asking sexual things or trying to take them out of school etc...)
that I would show up at their school in a robe, slippers, hair curlers and sing the national anthem out loud in front of all their friends. During parent teacher conferences, throughout all the years, each teacher has informed me that each child told them what the consequences would be if they did ... whatever. I was completely serious.
I have threatened to handcuff myself to them and attend each and every class if they are ever truant. I WILL ACTUALLY DO THIS... I PROMISE. Cheri, I hope I NEVER have to ask for Bill's handcuffs.
If they EVER, EVER, EVER choose to follow the crowd and do ANY KIND OF DRUG or ALCOHOL, even too much Tylenol, I don't care WHAT kind of drug it is... they WILL attend NarcAnon meetings, they will view a half way house for drug users, and they WILL view the inside of a Juvenile Hall.
THEN... my kids will have to tell each and every one of their grandparents about the choices they made, and do some sort of counseling session to help their peers steer clear of the same choices. I AM THAT SERIOUS about it.
You don't even want to know all the other consequences I have for them. It would take up too much space.
On the other side of the spectrum... there are parents that allow their 14 and 15 year olds boy/girlfriends to sleep over IN THE KIDS ROOMS!!! I had a conversation with one parent last year at baseball that was so excited that her daughter had a boyfriend, and he just sleeps over in her room all the time, and oh, they aren't doing anything... and if they were, isn't it better that they are doing it in MY house, than out in a car somewhere???
Yes, of course that lady is now a GRANDMA AT 35!!! How in the heck did she think she wouldn't be??? I was floored!
Am I the ONLY person still finding that a little odd?
Not that the girl got pregnant... NO... that the parent ACTUALLY thought that she was going to be a GOOD THING, when she allowed her daughter to have SLEEPOVERS WITH HER BOYFRIEND! That poor teenaged mom can't take all the blame!!!
She didn't have anyone caring enough for her to say NO!
I am NOT suggesting that the girl got pregnant only because she was able to get it on at home... No, not at all... but I am suggesting that MAYBE that girl, MIGHT have thought twice about having sex so young in the first place, if maybe some boundaries were set in the first place.
Okay, I'm gonna stop now... more tomorrow... if you are still reading me after this.
Ciao, you wonderful people you... Ciao!

Before I was a Mama...

Before I was a Mama
Before I was a Mama
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mama-
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mama
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mama
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mama
Before I was a Mama -
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.
I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mama -
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
The joy,
The love,
The heartache,
The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mama
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mama.
Because behind every successful mother... Is a basket of dirty laundry.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Mixed marriages can be tricky. No, not racial or religious mixes… I’m talking about the mixing in marriages that takes place in probably every single marriage in the world. You know… the important things like… oh… off the top of my head…
Snorers & Non snorers Spenders vs Savers Hoarders vs Purgers Starting to get a little uncomfortable in your chair now? No worries… I’m only going to talk about Snorers and Non Snorers today. Yes, I know we all love our spouses… in sickness and health, for richer, for richer yet (hey, you said your vows one way, I said mine my way… ) till death do us part (you will be very missed, honey) I get all that! BUT, SISTA, PLEASE!!! In 16 years, I have yet to have a good night sleep!!! Bill snores so loudly the paint is chipping off the walls from all the vibrations!
I remember one night, Bill had worked for 24 hours straight, came home and went straight to bed. That same evening, I had a PC meeting at my house. We usually play music and there is lots of talking and stuff, but at one point during the meeting, there was a lull in the action, and what resonates throughout the house through 2 rooms and wall and a door, but Bill’s huge, loud, booming, snore from hell!!!
I just put my head down, and said “Welcome to my nightmare!” to all the ladies. It was so funny, and of course, I told Bill about it afterward.
He just smiled and went back to sleep.
Now… I’m not saying I don’t sleep loudly from time to time, but I know! I know for a fact that I don’t do what he does.
So if I seem unduly cranky all the time… IT’S FROM LACK OF SLEEP! I earned a trip to Miami a few years back and Bill and I went alone. We were so excited to have a few days to ourselves.
We could be true adults, doing adult things without the kids around all the time.
It… was… awful!!! The weather was humid and Bill’s body does not do well in humidity.
I think that guys body goes into overdrive and becomes an allergy factory.
HE SNORED SO LOUDLY, I literally slept in the bathtub to get away from the noise
(THANK GOD, Pampered Chef always puts us in 5 star hotels, because the bathroom and bathtub were like a spa!)
For FOUR (4) days, I did not sleep but 2 hours. Every time I looked at Bill, I pictured his head in a guillotine. I know, not nice… but I was so sleepy, and cranky, and whiney, and weepy.
I felt just like I did when I had the Baby Blues.
Sleep deprivation does some CRAZY things to people. To be fair, those of us that THINK we don’t snore can be pretty annoying too.
The “holier than thou” mannerism isn’t pretty, nor does it do anything productive.
I have joked that he needs to build me another bedroom, but I know that isn’t conducive to a good marriage, and I was really just kidding anyway, sort of, yeah, I was just kidding. Bill is working out of town this weekend, and last night was one of the rare nights I slept through the entire night without waking up… and I feel so bad when I get giddy about him having overnight, out of town work, but a girl needs to get an uninterrupted night of sleep from time to time. That poor guy thinks I am a great wife for WANTING him to take his annual hunting trip for a week in August with his Dad and other guys. Male bonding and all that jazz… but secretly, it is for me. One full week of snoreless sleep. I am the WORST. WIFE. EVER! I know I snore too. My roommates in Chicago or whatever other city I travel to for business tell me I do. I feel badly, then ask them what it sounds like. It still isn’t as bad as my honeys, any day of the week. OOPS , here comes that “Holier than thou” attitude again… What a vicious cycle. Anyone else deal with snorers? Bill tells me all the time… “Saundra, if I go before you… you’re gonna miss that snoring” In my sleepy stupor I say “Try me”
Worst. Wife. Ever. Ciao, Ciao!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A friend is like...

A Friend Is Like A Good Bra...
Hard to Find Supportive Comfortable Always Lifts You Up Never Lets You Down or Leaves You Hanging

Friday, April 4, 2008

Playing Catch Up

This past week, no scratch that... this past month has been a whirlwind of activity.
I needed a mental break last night and decided to check out my ever expanding DVR (Tivo-ish) recordings and just veg out.
I had Dancing W/Stars, and Idol, and Oprah's oh my! I deleted lots of shows because, truly, were they worth it?? NO!
Sometimes an Oprah show will catch my attention and I will actually watch it...(remember my hair cutting experiment... yeah...)
So one of her episodes I didn't delete was the one about the pregnant dude.
Well, I knew from the title that the dude HAD to have been a woman some time in his/her lifetime, and sure enough, he/she was.
Here's what I can't figure out... the media and Oprah keep calling her a man... he/she may look like one, but he/she has a UTERUS, AND OVARIES AND A FALLOPIAN TUBE, & in my book, he/she's a girl that LOOKS like a man, having a baby.
I would have LOVED it if Bill could have had a couple of kids for us... I would have had 6! BUT... HE DOESN'T HAVE THE RIGHT PLUMBING, because HE'S a MAN!
I just really wanted to scream at the TV and shake them up and tell them to stop calling that very nice person on the TV that looked like a man, but had indoor plumbing... a MAN!
They made it sound like a REAL man was pregnant, and I was like...yahoooo, maybe I will have a few more kids... "Honey... whatcha doin for the next 9 months?"
I don't mean to sound like a prude. That girl had her breasts removed and took testosterone and grew a little bit of outdoor plumbing, and grew facial hair and wears men's clothing... fine... whatever floats his/her boat. Live and let live and all that stuff.
But to say "A man is pregant" is not the whole truth, and it insults me as a woman.
Oprah should know better than that.
I guess it's all about the "hook" for TV and not truth.
I hope that person's baby is happy and healthy and lives well. I also hope it knows that "Daddy" is really part "Mama".
Now if a guy really got pregant, and was having a baby... THAT would be news, and I would want to be that guys AGENT! Wow!
I am just supremely happy that I am a woman.
I am woman, and I just roared.
Happy Friday All!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

I made my mind up about High School for Will!

Well, its decided... yeah, yeah, I know... even though I paid the registration fee... I have decided to send Will to ACA next year for High School.
Today, at Alex's play, a bunch of Mama's and I were chatting and their older kids all transferred to ACA for High School. They made the school sound like heaven on earth. So, I called, spoke to Admissions, set up the time for Will's placement test, and our meeting with the school faculty and got the ball rolling.
There are bunch of steps to take before it is all confirmed... but at least I made a decision. It was really bugging me!
They have an awesome athletic program and only about 600 students total from 7-12 grade. So the student to teacher ratio is gonna be awesome.
Mama might have to get a J-O-B to cover tuition... or just step up my Pampered chef biz 3 fold.
Let's hope I don't have to do either. I haven't had a real job in 15 years. After owning my own biz for 8 years, I would make an awful employee!
Maybe I'll start my own company! I have always wanted to teach customer service skills and interviewing skills to people! Who knows!
So, I bought a bunch of yarn today... gonna make a couple afghans for the kids teachers for end of year gifts. I'm happy... tired.. but happy.
Tomorrow is Friday... and the calendar is