Monday, August 4, 2008

Another new blog

I started another blog today.
"Oh, for the love of Bread" is it's name at
I probably won't post in it as often as I do on this or Cook Everyday... because I only like spending about 1/2 hour on my blogs a day.
I have invited other authors so it can be updated more often and not just by me.
You can check out of I updated it by checking out my blog list on my side bar to the right.
Cook Everyday and Stay Sane will continue to be about dinner, lunchbox ideas and just general cooking strategies and recipes.
Italian Mama Gone Crazy will continue to be my daily vomit of useless information. Sorry for the visual... just couldn't resist!:)
I hope you get a chance to check them all out!
As always... I truly appreciate all my readers!
Even my lurkers who never come out to play!


  1. Loved the last line! Too funny!

  2. Thanks!!!

    Kathy,Hey!! Let's do lunch!

  3. OKAY!!!! Let's e-mail off-line!


Comment! Comments! I just loooooove comments!
If you have a blog, I will come visit and comment on yours!!! I promise! No Anonymous comments though... if you can't play nice.. you can't play at all.