Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School was...

Woke up this morning WITHOUT the feeling of dread. Progress.
Will got home from school last night at 8 p.m. with a smile and syllabuses.
I like his teachers already. Their senses of humor and candor exude from the pages.
We have a communication website called Edline, that the teachers post on everyday, and already William had results of work done in class. It came across around 11 p.m. last night.
It is an awesome tool to keep tabs on what's going on.
He'll even get his homework on it, so class time won't be wasted dictating pages and such. It'll all be right in one place, ready to print.
Bill left today for his yearly "hunting trip" with his Dad and buddies. I used quotes because the hunting is the last thing on their minds. It's just plain ole' male bonding time.
Guns, Ammo, Water skiis, no women, and total bliss for 7 days.
He doesn't realize that it is as much a vacation for me as it is for him.
This week, dinners won't be quite so formal, we might eat out once, and maybe I won't be soooo quick to do the laundry everyday.
Ahhh... bliss.
Man, I really need to get a life. The minute I start thinking that doing laundry less frequently is a huge deal and something to feel sneaky about... you know I've been home 14 years too long.
Tonight is Alex and Johnny's Back to School Night. They start back after Labor Day.
Alex gets introduced to his school as a member of Student Council tonight.
He also gets to see his entourage again. It's been an entire summer... they must be jonesing.
I get to go and be called "Hi Alex's Mom! Hi Johnathon's Mom" again. So cute.
I have no identity at that school... I love it.
It's early, Will is getting ready for school, and the day is just starting.
I may have more to write later. Pray it's good.


  1. It's a terrific tool. THMS and Colton also use a similar system. Works like a charm for us meddling parents! Hey, we're only interested in their success!

  2. YOU are absolutely correct my dear friend. No way would I EVER try to trip up my kids...mwwaaahhhhahahahahaha! and ask him what his homework is even thought i ALREADY know!!!



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