Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday doings

Whew! I am home!
I had such a nice day... I hope it continues!
Started out at 7 a.m. baking some bread to give away today...
had a nice cup of coffee, and got ready
to go out to lunch with my dear friend Kathy.
She took me to a great Mexican Restaurant, called The Green Onion. It was yummy.
She loves the salsa there, and I understood why when I tried it.
It was so nice being a girl for an couple of hours, chatting about this or that,
hearing about her storybook wedding. She has 3 boys almost exactly the same ages as mine, so we always have a lot in common and to talk about.
Kathy, today was delightful!
We MUST do it again soon!
Then it was off to the dentist for Alex today.
No cavities again.
That lucky dog, none of my boys has ever had a cavity.
So as soon as his name was called to go back, I told the nurse... "Lot's of shots... he's been mouthy lately..." He started cracking up... the office manager played along and said...
"I see here on his chart he is due to recieve pain, whether he likes it or not... Mama's orders."
He gave me look back, and broke into another smile and said
"You watch, I'm not gonna have any cavities, and then I'll be laughing."
He was right...
Did you know they have COOKIE DOUGH flavored flouride? YUCK! DOUBLE YUCK!
He chose mint, but he was telling me his choices... I gagged.
I brought the staff 2 boules of freshly baked bread and some honey butter for their lunch.
They found out I make bread because Bill was in there on Monday, and was apparently bragging. So I made them some.
So cool!
Then we headed off to do some school supply shopping, and some more food staple shopping for the school year.
And it's 4:00 and I am in for the night.
I've got to throw in some dinner, get the family fed, and vegetate in front of the TV to
Watch Michael Phelps win another gold medal.
Be back later... maybe.


  1. The boys told me they have marshmellow flavored flouride too and it tastes gross!

  2. We do have a lot in common! But your travels, how exciting to do all that you have done.


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